Monday, June 24, 2013

Drone strike related news and aftermath

Mabus should consider what he does to the rest of this world when he uses DRONES on others, a bigger war is not what the world needs. There is always going to be groups that hate and kill others, the Talian is one group and Mabus is another. Both find themselves in a mind game called war.  Though this is now Pakistani problem to deal with these evil deeds.

For the record: I have filed a Federal lawsuit against the United States on the use of Drones in countries that we (the US) are not at war with. (May 1, 2012 in USDC in SF) So I am opposed to this kind of action in general.  Here is the cover of  my War Crimes complaint... 

 ..and here is the part .that deals with drones ...

Pakistani Taliban kill nine foreigners at foot of world's ninth highest mountain

Nine foreign tourists and one Pakistani guide have been shot dead in the Himalayas of northern Pakistan, a region considered relatively insulated from the country's extremist violence.
According to the police, the attack took place in the middle of the night when armed men dressed up as local paramilitary police ambushed a base camp in the Gilgit-Baltistan region. The camp lies at the foot of Nanga Parbat, the world's ninth highest mountain, and is usually inhabited by mountaineers for climbing expeditions.
Although the identities of the tourists have yet to be verified, Pakistan’s interior ministry has confirmed that they hailed from China, Russia, and Ukraine.
In a country already struggling with its image abroad, many in the tourism industry fear that the latest attack on foreigners will discourage thousands of other international tourists who come every year to Pakistan to one of the only remaining safe regions in the country.
“Around fifteen to twenty thousand tourists including mountaineers came to Pakistan each year during the summer season. Each one of them spends over five to six thousand dollars. The loss to Pakistan because of this attack will be in billions of rupees,” says Ghulam Nabi, a representative of Pakistan Tour Operators’ Association. “And it’s not just tourists that run away then, it also affects the foreign investor confidence."
Following the attack, this Monitor reporter received a call from an undisclosed location in which Ehsanullah Ehsan, the spokesperson for the banned terrorist group Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), claimed responsibility for the attack.
“We will continue to target the foreigners until the drone strikes stop. This attack was particularly in revenge for the killing of our commander Wali-ur-Rehman. Our local Taliban faction in the area carried it out under our instructions,” Mr. Ehsan said.
Wali-ur-Rehman, who was killed last month in one of the first drone strikes after the new government in Pakistan came to power, served as the deputy commander of the TTP, operating out of the tribal region of Waziristan where the US has focused much of its drone activity. Following his killing, the Taliban withdrew an offer for peace talks with Nawaz Sharif, whose party was elected into power after the May 11 general elections.
The newly elected Prime Minister has openly condemned the drone attacks and has asked the United States to stop using drones. He is of the view that peace talks are one of the main options to tackle the issue of insurgency led by the Pakistani Taliban....

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Airplanes being used as missiles

Edit June:22 - To the 4 people who look at this .... after more reflection on these dreams ... This is not bombs in airplane, but more to the economy and being attacked... as the ships (airplanes/ or something that was coming apart mid-air) was more shaped in a "Star Trek Enterprise" shadow that I though was planes coming in for landing. 

This might go computer airports ... and economy downturn that I have been picking up on lately.

I just have foreseen :infinity: ( had a dream) showing airplanes (anything moving towards US) when they are scheduled to land they blow up... So people have to duck ... At least 3 planes disintegrate over US soil.(same flight lane )

I had a previous dream yesterday ... I recall looking for bombs under these spears (must be airplane) .. That is why I was crawling on my knees... As these were symbols to check at post of take off from other airports ...

Note: It was a European castle... So I want to get back to the US ... And I made a left to look at post/ spears in yesterday's dream ...

Most likely cordinator with June 22 


Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 22, 2013

Major news happening ... Some sort of event happens (War) like a 911 or Dec.7, 1941 ...


This date coincides with what Jesus said ...

“So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand" 

As 1290 days in which ... Oboma was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize... as he took over as part of Mabus ...

Edit 6/22 -To the 7 people who have visited this post... I guess I was wrong as I don't see any major news coming out! But something is in the Spiritual realm that is a big event. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Nazi-America dream

Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Gus Who on Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:58 am

This one is kind of vague ... all I recall was watching a war against what was called a nazi position ... as I was on the outside looking at a tall and long building in which I had been informed Mr. Heinz and all his nazi Krauts were hiding inside. Building size was about 4 stories high and 10 units across. Cinderblock with small bars on windows. Had a machine gun that shot vertical bullets... It shot 2 inch holes every 2 inch up, as it stacked a straight up... Then move over to start a new line, like literally "chock one 
up" ... as blood would then start to pour out of the hole about a second or two after..


...and about a quarter into shooting up the building, the blood kind of looked phony as it streamed down the side... :?The more I looked the less real the blood was :wideeye: I started thinking WAT :tomato: tomato sauce ... as it got about half way across the building... The Building turned into a Refrigerator. :lol: 

Half of it was shot up and Ketch up was oozing out! 

I then notice the ........................Red Line .......................... on the Floor :yikes
:drumming: WARNING LESS THAN 21 days until a major War breaks out (I believe it's Korea, but it could be Middle East) ... :drumming: 

:infinity: June 22

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby dms1280 on Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:43 am

Sounds like the phony bologna protected by the bun, is sour and full condiments to "doctor up" what lies beneath. Based on you and your unique gifts, i would say it sounds like someone is soon about to blow their cover for too many to see and can only use "nazi" like tendenecies for anyone who tries to penetrate the surface. Vertically everything that goes up must come down. Everything that is covered up will evenutally be seen and uncovered.

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Gus Who on Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:09 pm
Yeah, I am looking into all the so-called "red lines" as we get close to ground zero and I am trying to ... "Catch up!" 
The thing is I never have ketch up on anything, and did not make the connection until after I work up. 
I think things are about to get farther out of hand (:infinity: world view) 

I take this dream to be in Middle East... and just another thing on my plate :eat: 
Though i did think about if these holes were people hanging on a cross for Palm Sunday today.


Well nazi were Christian too
:drumming: WARNING LESS THAN 21 days until a major War breaks out (I believe it's Korea, but it could be Middle East) ... :drumming: 

:infinity: June 22

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Varzandeh on Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:10 am

If you were a warrior and you were alone means you will have somewhat increase in your incomes.
Blood and tomato sauce both means money you will receive.
The ups and downs of the life .It will happen from a few days to a few months later.Dreams sometimes have happened a few years later.Please update when something like that happened

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Gus Who on Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:41 am

I was not alone,as I was listening in, and had a "background" planted in as "we were fighting Nazis" though I did not see anything on my side of the fighting, as I was focused on the bullets hitting the building in this pattern. I took it that we were seriously ... and instead of calling him "Jerry" like soldiers did, we called him Mr. Heinz. 

I would like to think there was a deeper meaning behind this symbolism than money. Though I get the sauce part! Thank Varz. :wave:
:drumming: WARNING LESS THAN 21 days until a major War breaks out (I believe it's Korea, but it could be Middle East) ... :drumming: 

:infinity: June 22

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Manna Ciduri on Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:08 pm

Hmm and here I was thinking maybe it's an imaginative way of saying "Hey! clean out your fridge!" And we have made the connection that Heinz is a brand of ketchup, right? That dot pattern is also common on old fridges with metal detail on their door guard rails too. Also kind of reminds me of the shelving of fridges, three sections in the fridge plus the freezer compartment. - Just seems really focused here rather than other places, ya know?

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Superman1 on Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:20 pm

I've seen many similar dreams, where Nazi's take over.

You saw a war only a background part of you was involved in, and the other side or undesirable thing or thought that was hiding inside you was gonna take you over.

Mr Heinz seems like the nice face - You called him Mr. Heinz is respect - and Nazizm, which always means taking over your world - is what's really going on in your 4 level and 10 wide building of yourself which seems now a defensive prison because of what's invaded it.

A machine gun that shot vertical bullets sounds like the aim is right off, but maybe more likely you wanted to aim at the top first. But you could only inch up, systematically killing the take over, as you "chock one up" each line.

So a quarter through, the more you looked the less real what made this alive was. You discovered how you were trying to destroy what was fake to begin with, which is why you thought, WHAT?! You weren't hurting anything real.
So halfway through you preserved what you had built up. When you realised what you tried to kill was fake or harmless, you didn't have to keep killing it. 
And that realisation reached your reality or ground level. The ketchup played catchup. 
You saw it had a red line of error marking that exercise





Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Gus Who on Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:08 am

Superman, I believe I figured out the meaning of the dream. As it ties into a lot of my dreams. 
Though like a lot of my posts (jots /shots) - there kinda all over the place like a machine gun would spray the whole building... (As you can guess, I am not a writer) so I took Pop shots Image against them... 
So I should take aim and shot straight up Image from the bottom up. 

I figure I'll make a Spaghetti Western ... Given the day I had the dream. I'll keep the Sun to my back and take these jar heads on.
:drumming: WARNING LESS THAN 21 days until a major War breaks out (I believe it's Korea, but it could be Middle East) ... :drumming: 

:infinity: June 22

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Naba-Daba-Doo! on Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:32 am

so in Heinz-sight... you were wasting your bullets :whoa:

does the number 57 mean anything?

Heinz said he chose "5" because it was his lucky number and the number "7" was his wife's lucky number
Naba = to prophesy
Daba = kind words
Doo! = w/enthusiasm

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Gus Who on Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:52 am
:harhar: There you are. 

I was watching the holes, kind of went fast. 

That's a Nein on the 57 .. My mother was born on 5-5 :? 

:roll: it was my son's b-day, and I take these nazi as .gov types... 

So I am taking this to mean put some bottles of Mr. Heinz up 

:blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: 
:blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: 
:blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: 
:blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: 
:blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: :blockhead: 

Though I like to try to keep my name out of the public eye, so I am using my Rob Hood :banghead: (Facebook) to put holes in the wall so to see in, if you want Spaghetti Western shots Image ... :tomato: Before the refrigerator box my :2cents: holes .... You know how cover ups go .gov

My shadow guy might get a little dirty on this one. Image
:drumming: WARNING LESS THAN 21 days until a major War breaks out (I believe it's Korea, but it could be Middle East) ... :drumming: 

:infinity: June 22

Re: Mr. Heinz

UNREAD_POSTby Gus Who on Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:26 am

Follow up:
Look here --->This is the judge ... And I have a Facebook page of what I say is corruption ... Like this abuse by this judge that allows FBI to track us people who want to remain Anonymous, but report crimes and corruption by government

Judge orders Google to give customer data to FBI
By PAUL ELIAS | Associated Press – 7 hrs ago

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal judge has ruled that Google Inc. must comply with the FBI's warrantless demands for customer data, rejecting the company's argument that the government's practice of issuing so-called national security letters to telecommunication companies, Internet service providers, banks and others was unconstitutional and unnecessary.
FBI counter-terrorism agents began issuing the secret letters, which don't require a judge's approval, after Congress passed the USA Patriot Act in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The letters are used to collect unlimited kinds of sensitive, private information, such as financial and phone records and have prompted complaints of government privacy violations in the name of national security. Many of Google's services, including its dominant search engine and the popular Gmail application, have become daily habits for millions of people.
In a ruling written May 20 and obtained Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Susan Illston ordered Google to comply with the FBI's demands.
But she put her ruling on hold until the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals could decide the matter. Until then, the Mountain View, Calif.-based company must comply with the letters unless it shows the FBI didn't follow proper procedures in making its demands for customer data in the 19 letters Google is challenging, she said.
After receiving sworn statements from two top-ranking FBI officials, Illston said she was satisfied that 17 of the 19 letters were issued properly. She wanted more information on two other letters.
It was unclear from the judge's ruling what type of information the government sought to obtain with the letters. It was also unclear who the government was targeting.
The decision from the San Francisco-based Illston comes several months after she ruled in a separate case brought by the Electronic Frontier Foundation over the letters. She ruled in March that the FBI's demand that recipients refrain from telling anyone — including customers — that they had received the letters was a violation of free speech rights.
Kurt Opsah, an attorney with the foundation, said it could be many more months before the appeals court rules on the constitutionality of the letters in the Google case.
"We are disappointed that the same judge who declared these letters unconstitutional is now requiring compliance with them," Opsah said on Friday.

Illston's May 20 order omits any mention of Google or that the proceedings have been closed to the public. But the judge said "the petitioner" was involved in a similar case filed on April 22 in New York federal court.
Public records show that on that same day, the federal government filed a "petition to enforce National Security Letter" against Google after the company declined to cooperate with government demands.
Google can still appeal Illston's decision. The company declined comment Friday.
In 2007, the Justice Department's inspector general found widespread violations in the FBI's use of the letters, including demands without proper authorization and information obtained in non-emergency circumstances. The FBI has tightened oversight of the system.
The FBI made 16,511 national security letter requests for information regarding 7,201 people in 2011, the latest data available.

Judge: FBI Doesn't Need a Warrant to Access Google Customer Data

By Sara Morrison | The Atlantic Wire – 13hrs ago

Judge: FBI Doesn't Need a Warrant …
In what looks very much like a blow to that whole Constitutional thing about due process, a federal judge has ordered Google to release customer data to the FBI, despite the fact that the FBI has no warrant for the information. 
RELATED: An FBI Battle Over Phone Passwords Is Brewing
The FBI made its request via 19 "National Security Letters." Here'sCNET with a short explainer on what National Security Letters are:
NSLs are controversial because they allow FBI officials to send secret requests to Web and telecommunications companies requesting "name, address, length of service," and other account information about users as long as it's relevant to a national security investigation. No court approval is required, and disclosing the existence of the FBI's secret requests is not permitted.
At least, it wasn't permitted -- as the AP points out, the same federal judge who ruled against Google on May 20 ruled back in March that the gag order demand was unconstitutional. That was in response to a petition from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has long opposed NSLs. The government filed an appeal to the decision on May 6. 

We don't get to see what evidence the FBI provided in the May 10 hearing, but Judge Susan Illston said that it was good enough for her to rule that 17 of the 19 letters were in accordance with the law. She said she needed more information before she could rule on the other two. Exactly what the FBI was looking for in its request or to which customers' accounts it wanted access is still unknown.
RELATED: Whether You Like It or Not, Google Will Track Your Email
The FBI has been eager to ramp up its surveillance on social media networks, and up until now, companies like Facebook and Google went with it. According to EFF's attorney Matt Zimmerman, of the roughly 300,000 NSLs the government has issued since 2000, only "four or five" recipients have tried to challenge them

On May 16th she (Judge Illston) Ordered me to file my case "against" back the divorce court to cover up her crimes... Long story .... She is a Heinz 

I see things are going to "Ketchup" to these judges :tomato:
:drumming: WARNING LESS THAN 21 days until a major War breaks out (I believe it's Korea, but it could be Middle East) ... :drumming: 

:infinity: June 22