Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day Stand

I went to mass today at a Christian Church and it touch on the theme of Father's Day and how the HOLY SPIRIT moves us.. as it got into Isiah 42:1-9 and John 6:60-70 ... as one of the things that stood out with me was that 25 million children grow up without a dad... as I happen to be one of those dads in this stat.

As I was forced out of my role as a dad, because I tried to argue against a bunch of thugs who I claimed were corrupt from the start of my divorce... as I was forced off my property and place of work.. as all my assets were tie up into a house I had just built at 11209 Staffer Lane in Cupertino Ca.
(I was a general contractor)

 The judge and my ex wife attorney were buddy buddies as ...
 I tried to use laws like 170.6 prior

as I recalled submitting the latest numbers of the U.S. Census Bureau that about 85% of woman get awarded custody of the kids...,

I'll edit it in ..

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Cold War, makes this the Summer to watch

It's just a matter of time before a Cold War goes Hot! Sometime this summer 

These kinds of war games don't help keep the peace, and are a waist of resource by all sides. 

Britain and its Nato allies are in a Cold War-style arms race with Russia, the British defence secretary indicated today. 
Michael Fallon said that a war game taking place this week in Poland, close to the Russian border, was sending a message to Moscow that the alliance will not be intimidated by “sabre rattling”.
His comments came as it emerged that several Russian ships have come “too close for comfort” to a detachment of four Nato warships, including the Royal Navy’s flagship, which is taking part in the exercise, a US naval source said.

Monday, June 15, 2015

This is the Summer

32"Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; 33so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.…

Saturday, June 6, 2015

This news is wrong, as it happen in summer time.

Think tank is mistaken, as it happen this summer...

N. Korea nuclear test unlikely until fall: US think-tank

Recent satellite imagery suggests North Korea is unlikely to conduct a fresh nuclear test in coming months, according to a US think-tank.
The Stalinist state recently turned up the volume on its hostile rhetoric and boasted of its nuclear and missile capability, claiming it had successfully tested a submarine-launched ballistic missile last month.
But the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University said satellite pictures indicate no signs of preparations for its fourth nuclear test being made at this time.
"Recent commercial satellite imagery indicates that North Korea is conducting regular spring construction and maintenance activities at its Punggye-ri nuclear test site," the institute said in a report by analyst Jack Liu on its website 38 North.
"There are no indications of nuclear test preparations at this time. Given the time and effort such preparations require, North Korea is unlikely to conduct another nuclear test until at least fall 2015 at the earliest," it said.
The North has conducted its three nuclear tests in 2006, 2009 and 2013, all at the Punggye-ri site in the country's northeast.
Digging of a new test tunnel at the site which began around April 2013, paused in November 2013 and resumed in February 2014 has stopped.
But it remains unclear whether work has been completed or has just simply paused, the report said.
Last month, North Korea ramped up its nuclear threat, boasting of its ability to deliver miniaturised warheads on high-precision long range rockets.
A US National Security Council spokesman rejected the claim but agreed Pyongyang was "working on developing a number of long-range missiles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles, that could eventually threaten our allies and the homeland".