I had filed document,... as I've done in the past... and was granted to proceed ... but this time I found out (July 15) that things were denied... and had to re-motion the court ... as I claim this is the "FRACKING GOVERNMENT" ..
Breaking news – The latest earthquake Friday night was a 4.4 magnitude occurring at 9:04 p.m. CST according to the USGS website.
The 4.4 earthquake was one of 6 that occurred near Fairview, Oklahoma on Friday including two 4.2 magnitude quakes.
The USGS records a total of ten earthquakes in total with epicenters in Oklahoma throughout the day Friday coming from Luther, Blanchard, Medford and Fairview.
The media received several calls, emails, tweets and Facebook messages shortly after 9:00 p.m. with reports of feeling the earthquake including reports as far west as Great Bend and as far north as Salina which is over 200 miles away. That is kind of too far for a 4.4 earthquake range. Compare this to a 4.5 magnitude that struck Nevada and was felt up to 30 miles away the day B4 ...
4.5 earthquake reported between Hawthorne and Schurz
HAWTHORNE, Nev. (KOLO)-- There was a magnitude 4.3 earthquake at 4:14 p.m. about 13.7 miles northwest of Hawthorne, the University of Nevada, Reno Seismological Laboratory reports. It was followed by a magnitude 4.5 aftershock.
The KOLO 8 News Now newsroom had a call from a woman in Yerington who said she felt the first quake as it rattled her work building. Yerington is about 30 miles from the quakes.
The Mineral County Sheriff's Office said it has had no reports of damage, although it was felt there. The Lyon County Sheriff's Office said it received no calls and no one in the sheriff's office reported feeling it.
Both were about 12.5 miles deep.
Ken Smith, the seismic network manager for the University of Nevada, Reno’s Seismological Laboratory, said the quake was just west of Walker Lake and there has been a swarm there for about a year.
“There was another magnitude 4 there a few months ago,” Smith said.
While he hasn’t heard of any reports of damage, he said it is close to a steep area along U.S. 95 as it goes by Walker Lake, so there is a chance it could send rocks onto the highway.
Stewart Handte lives in the Walker Lake area and the quakes “shook the house pretty good,” he said. “A couple of things fell off the counter, but nothing broke.”
They have had several sharp jolts over the past year, Handte said.
THIS News came out that puts true numbers with a value of lives, and makes me want to take that independence step .... from the White House as it comes to counting! Should anyone trust the White House of keeping account of lives, if they count like this?
The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
July 01, 2016
FACT SHEET: Executive Order on the US Policy on Pre & Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in the US Operations Involving the Use of Force & the DNI Release of Aggregate Data on Strike Outside Area of Active Hostilitie
... as it is being reported way under any other groups numbers of innocent lives lost... Between 64-116 that President Barack Obama finally released on civilians killed in U.S. counterterror operations in Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen in drone strikes since 2009, whichfall way short of independent countsby verywide margin.