No one is real sure who these armed people are that are coming into the U-cage
The dream last night was located in some big city. I was inside an older building in a computer lab. There was a lot of people working there on the computers, but it didn't seem like a typical office. All of a sudden someone said to be prepared because they are coming. Everyone started to run around in a panic. Then on the video surveillance I noticed a bunch of people walking down the street in black (like in military form). Looking a bit closer they had black masks, black suits, boots, and huge guns. I grabbed my son and screamed "THEY'RE HERE"!! I went to a storage room, locked my son and myself in, and grabbed a gun. I heard them come in and was afraid, but more for my son then myself. I even said "I hope we don't run out of ammo." My son was grabbing onto my shirt and I told him he had to let go so I could defend us...
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