Monday, September 22, 2014

Gus WAT .... Coming

I have concluded my dreams and abilities to OBE (out of body) and can articulate the mechanism (in layman's  terms) of how the body and soul work ...
Which well show that "Heaven is REAL" and proof of GOD and life after the body dies. It well validate the testimony of Jesus. (Who also had the ability to see through time itself) 

This well debunk  ...

Stephen Hawking: 'There is no heaven; it's a fairy story

In an exclusive interview with the Guardian, the cosmologist shares his thoughts on death, M-theory, human purpose and our chance existence
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The Guardian, Sunday 15 May 2011 17.00 EDT
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Stephen Hawking dismisses belief in God in an exclusive interview with the Guardian. Photograph: Solar & Heliospheric Observatory/Discovery Channel
The belief that heaven or an afterlife awaits us is a "fairy story" for people afraid of death, Stephen Hawking has said.

In a dismissal that underlines his firm rejection of religious comforts, Britain's most eminent scientist said there was nothing beyond the moment when the brain flickers for the final time.

Hawking, who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21, shares his thoughts on death, human purpose and our chance existence in an exclusive interview with the Guardian today.

The incurable illness was expected to kill Hawking within a few years of its symptoms arising, an outlook that turned the young scientist to Wagner, but ultimately led him to enjoy life more, he has said, despite the cloud hanging over his future.

"I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first," he said.

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark," he added.

Hawking's latest comments go beyond those laid out in his 2010 book, The Grand Design, in which he asserted that there is no need for a creator to explain the existence of the universe. The book provoked a backlash from some religious leaders, including the chief rabbi, Lord Sacks, who accused Hawking of committing an "elementary fallacy" of logic.

The 69-year-old physicist fell seriously ill after a lecture tour in the US in 2009 and was taken to Addenbrookes hospital in an episode that sparked grave concerns for his health. He has since returned to his Cambridge department as director of research.

The physicist's remarks draw a stark line between the use of God as a metaphor and the belief in an omniscient creator whose hands guide the workings of the cosmos.

In his bestselling 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, Hawking drew on the device so beloved of Einstein, when he described what it would mean for scientists to develop a "theory of everything" – a set of equations that described every particle and force in the entire universe. "It would be the ultimate triumph of human reason – for then we should know the mind of God," he wrote.

The book sold a reported 9 million copies and propelled the physicist to instant stardom. His fame has led to guest roles in The Simpsons, Star Trek: The Next Generation and Red Dwarf. One of his greatest achievements in physics is a theory that describes how black holes emit radiation.

In the interview, Hawking rejected the notion of life beyond death and emphasised the need to fulfil our potential on Earth by making good use of our lives. In answer to a question on how we should live, he said, simply: "We should seek the greatest value of our action."

In answering another, he wrote of the beauty of science, such as the exquisite double helix of DNA in biology, or the fundamental equations of physics.

Hawking responded to questions posed by the Guardian and a reader in advance of a lecture tomorrow at the Google Zeitgeist meeting in London, in which he will address the question: "Why are we here?"

In the talk, he will argue that tiny quantum fluctuations in the very early universe became the seeds from which galaxies, stars, and ultimately human life emerged. "Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in," he said.

Hawking suggests that with modern space-based instruments, such as the European Space Agency's Planck mission, it may be possible to spot ancient fingerprints in the light left over from the earliest moments of the universe and work out how our own place in space came to be.

His talk will focus on M-theory, a broad mathematical framework that encompasses string theory, which is regarded by many physicists as the best hope yet of developing a theory of everything.

M-theory demands a universe with 11 dimensions, including a dimension of time and the three familiar spatial dimensions. The rest are curled up too small for us to see.

Evidence in support of M-theory might also come from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, the European particle physics laboratory near Geneva.

One possibility predicted by M-theory is supersymmetry, an idea that says fundamental particles have heavy – and as yet undiscovered – twins, with curious names such as selectrons and squarks.

Confirmation of supersymmetry would be a shot in the arm for M-theory and help physicists explain how each force at work in the universe arose from one super-force at the dawn of time.

Another potential discovery at the LHC, that of the elusive Higgs boson, which is thought to give mass to elementary particles, might be less welcome to Hawking, who has a long-standing bet that the long-sought entity will never be found at the laboratory.

Hawking will join other speakers at the London event, including the chancellor, George Osborne, and the Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz.

Science, truth and beauty: Hawking's answers

What is the value in knowing "Why are we here?"

The universe is governed by science. But science tells us that we can't solve the equations, directly in the abstract. We need to use the effective theory of Darwinian natural selection of those societies most likely to survive. We assign them higher value.

You've said there is no reason to invoke God to light the blue touchpaper. Is our existence all down to luck?

Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in.

So here we are. What should we do?

We should seek the greatest value of our action.

You had a health scare and spent time in hospital in 2009. What, if anything, do you fear about death?

I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first. I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.

What are the things you find most beautiful in science?

Science is beautiful when it makes simple explanations of phenomena or connections between different observations. Examples include the double helix in biology, and the fundamental equations of physics."

Friday, September 19, 2014

A Red Ding Bat Sign

Image I dreamt the RED LIGHT (moon) calling  and I picked up this message from a voice..
Telling me  (most likely time something well happen to start this "war"... is (new moon) Sept. 24 as it happens under darkness) 


As I did some dream research about this time for all those night owls... and ding bats looking for a message / sign ... to follow along ... OCT. 8, 2014 (FULL RED MOON)

The Hunt for Red October is on! 

 Hollow Moon Filled With Billions of Birds

Unread postby dadebud » Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:49 pm

Russian astronaut lands on moon walking in a giant robot, jumps, lands and breaks through the crust of the moon to find it completely hollow inside and filled with billions upon billions of tiny mechanical flying birds guarded by one giant bird protecting the entrance of the hole made by the robot. The Russian who had been summoned as the messenger from the bird to tell the world the end is near and that the birds will devour and destroy everything on the earth. The Russian then gave the guard bird a kiss the lips and gave thanks for sparing his life. The giant/man bird stood like stone and never moved. 

This is by far one of the most bizarre dreams in my life thus far. What does all this mean?? :clap:

Re: Hollow Moon Filled With Billions of Birds

Unread postby Batman » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:17 pm

Now that could be a bat sign on a moonless night in the city.
It's like moonlight Gram text up on my scoreboard, making me batty :neer: Thinking of all those billions of tweets going out in new York city as it comes under a UFO cloud. (perfect time for :alien: to make a nest) 

Robin or big bird from the D hood must be watching out from the Russin front on the dark side of the moon :?

I gots to go hang upsidedown and dinks or ;) at this pitch black end message.

Anyone see the red ding bat sign coming up?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Argument of a soul

Here I argue with dimwits, as they don't understand codes, such as being "bright"

Started by Gus Who » Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:40 pm

by Gus Who » Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:35 pm
by The Eagle » Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:55 am

The Eagle wrote:Hell doesnt exist, its not a place. Heaven/hell is a state of mind that has nothing to do with a proposed afterlife - but to do with human beings living their life - while they are alive. :)


Hmm ... So you want to take a chance with soul

I can argue souls dont exist either. What reason have we to believe in souls?

Are you arguing there is no energy going through your body?
So what do you call your spiritual energy? A will or a soul?
by The Eagle » Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:41 am
The Eagle wrote:
I can argue souls dont exist either. What reason have we to believe in souls?

Are you arguing there is no energy going through your body?
So what do you call your spiritual energy? A will or a soul?

We have spirit. - i.e. Conciousness.

And i'm arguing that conciousness is a result of the physical nature of the human body. Human body dies - that conciousness and "you" cease to exist.

The reason for this - think what makes you - "you". Take away memmories stored in the brain, the eyes to see, nose to smell, tongue to taste, ears to hear, skin to touch - brain to think, body to feel emotions,

If you can imagine that - would you still call that "concious" and even "you"?

the "you" surviving after death - there is no "mechanism" - i.e. No logical reason to believe this happens.

by The Eagle » Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:20 am
Batman wrote:I call your argument ImageHmm ... I raise that the soul can travel outside one body ... There is plenty of testimony and documented proof of people seeing, hearing, feeling... OBE (out of body experiences) that the majority of people on this planet would agree that we as humans have individual spiritual souls the continue beyond the one life time.
Therefore the presents known to many as "psychic" abilities
Either you believe some people receive "messages" (visions, Insight, Premonitions ...) in which many come in dream format or you refuse to except these people testimony as crazy :neer:

You can't call then raise - there's rules. Lol.

Beyond one lifetime - no. There is no proof or logic to believe that to be true. Doesnt matter how many people believe it - thats not logic or reason, thats popularity of an idea. You see there is a reason why many people believe in soul - but the reason isnt logical its emotional.

In terms of OBE's and psychic abilities - proof and evidence is lacking but if we are to entertain the idea -all can be explained without the need for a soul. I.e. Life after death. Mechanism is - spirit and conciousness i.e. Part of life.

by Batman » Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:29 pm
Testimony is a form of proof. So it is illogical to discount people's testimony. Either one believes that there are people capable of receiving message - ESP, decoding dream signs, or having visions ... Given this is a dream site, having prophetic dreams in which reality plays out to a version of the dream must be considered as facts and proof to spiritual energy that gives direction.

Spiritual energy/soul can not be killed by killing a body.

» Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:04 pm
The Eagle wrote:
To discount testimony isnt illogical - if the testimony is illogical or irrational. Children swear to hear sleigh bells xmas eve every year - is that proof that santa exists? Come on now.

Like I said - recieving messages, having visions, prophetic dreams can all be explained without the need for "soul" - life after death. What you are claiming isn't valid based on your arguments you have used to explain them.

You are perhaps taking spiritual energy and soul as the same thing but the two concepts are not necessarily one. I'll explain the reasoning. Spiritual energy, we have a source and method of this - life. Soul brings in the idea of life after death, we have no source and method of this.

"spiritual energy/soul can not be killed by killing a body" - What reason have you to believe this?

Children testimony are one thing, ADULTS are another...

Well it goes to common knowledge for those that are wise enough to learn about such subject matter. As it is written in the bible.. Matthew 10:28 which is testimony about subject matter for all to see...

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell

As this is considered "testimony" that goes to a soul. Now if you consider a soul "spiritual energy" like the property of light :idea: and the body is the glass bulb ... Even if one break the bulb... that light that that bulb produced still shines. So that is why many people use the terms for Jesus like "light" ...

As this light can make people see that there is spiritual energy that shines. So here I am reflecting Jesus light to show that it still shines true.

Now do you not believe there was a man name Jesus who walked on this planet and used these words ... as quoted by Matthew here?

by Batman » Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:35 pm
The Eagle wrote:
Lol - many gods/demi gods were called the light - before jesus.

In terms of jesus using those words - maybe he did maybe he didnt - doesnt matter. Would you say jesus wrote them down? Most believe he didnt. So in terms of testimony - its testimony of someone claiming he used those words - written decades after he was supposed to have lived and said them. So are you reflecting jesus' light - or the author of the bible passage....... If the words reflect truth does it matter who said them? The question is do you take it as truth because you believe jesus said it - or that it represents truth? what if jesus didnt say it. Does that mean its not true? You see - there is lack of logic and reason.

I would say - what makes those words more true than other religious texts? If you believe so - why? You see you are putting a belief in the words because you believe jesus said them. Thats not logic or reason.

Using the bulb analogy - the bulb was the thing creating the light - bulb breaks no more light is produced. Thats the point here - using that analogy after death the energy that survives isnt new, theres no new thought - only what was created pre-death. Thats not soul - life after death.

by The Eagle » Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:08 am
Batman wrote:
The Eagle wrote:Unicorn arguments.

Jesus didnt rise again through god - a UFO landed nearby, took his corpse without opening the cave by their special corpse stealing ray, then took a big girthy probe - the way jesus liked it while he was alive, pushed it in so far they plugged in his brain in and turned on thier S.P.U.N.K machine, (Spiritual Person Uploading Nano Kite) - this then takes the corpse, spurts their special spiritual energy all over it and it magically transforms a corpse into what gullible humans call...."the holy spirit" - the whole process takes about three days. But afterward the aliens could control this holy spirit - and set up a church that taught things the original corpse simply would not of..........

Ask yourself, why you discount the testimony above and not whats included in the bible. The bible makes just as ridiculous claims.

You see even before you get to a belief of god, souls etc - you should understand yourself and the way humans form belief. The "how" is first, then the "what" is dependant on the "why". If you start with the "what" and build upon that - its simply castles made of sand. Take some time.

A Unicorn argument as you say is from another light source that bends truth and light to put a Imagefairy tale on something, as spiritual energy is easy to bend.

So here you claim not to except testimony that is written down in a book that a church produced that preaches about the light. So you say this Church preaches in bad faith? Or that Jesus could not show himself in another bulb. As the bible clearly states that after he died he came back, but yet his "Disciples" did not recognize this bulb right away, in fact some of them had to see holes. :lol:

What part of receiving true light do you not get, or do you want to rant on about your fairy tale? I mean the fact is that the bible is testimony that predates black and white TV ... So everyone has to take that into consideration as Holy Ghost / Spiritual energy was not real known as common knowledge goes back then, but now days even Fred Flintstone knows about a higher power.
Let's face it, you refuse to except the truth about Spiritual Energy. You clearly have not thought through things, and fell into a non believing circle.

Lol all this is showing is you nothing about truth nor human spirituality.

I'll go back to the question you didnt answer. Why place the label "truth" on bible passages and not other ancient texts that predate the bible? You see you are stating the age of the text is important - well there are older beliefs. So that point even by your own standards is moot. So what makes that true?

I discount illogical testimony - doesnt matter who said it and when. :)

by The Eagle » Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:41 am
Batman wrote:
The World-Eater wrote:Thou shalt not readeth faerytales made by Men.
Lies for the Weak, beacons for the Deluded.

Everyone who beliefs in the Bible or any other fairytale story is deluded.


Hmm ... Another soulless player, World-Eater that ante in to this game. Do you want to play for the same stakes?
As this is not about a book called the Bible, but about the recognition of a soul / spiritual energy and the ramifications that come with not getting the light.

No - actually its about how humans form beliefs.

Logically or without reason. You stand on the side of "without reason"

so far as you have as much reason to believe what you have stated as truth as unicorns, pixies and fairies

by Batman » Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:32 pm
The World-Eater wrote::bored: Why should I recognize something that doesn't have any evidence supporting its existence? Please, educate me, almighty Buttman. :harhar:

Well if I educated you, then you would become a ding bat :dummy" because you would realize that you and many others like you were blind to the true light that was a bulb for the spirit to shine. As you have chosen to date not to follow such light and are in the dark.

So if one comes to realization that there is a "Spiritual Energy" and it consist present in all the forms as individual souls in which we (as humans) are all connected through a network that can grasp "light" 
:computer:and free will to make such individual choice, well being wise is one thing, being 

by Batman » Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:10 pm
The Eagle wrote:
Lol you missed that unicorns tender souls when they leave the human body...... Unicorns are mentioned in the bible so they must be its testimony........

:dummy" :dummy" :dummy" :dummy" :dummy" :dummy" :dummy" :dummy" :dummy"

I did not state the testimony on the Jewish part of the bible. As that is not the true bulb that Jesus shined out so to bring in this "spirit" or light that I speak of.

You must be dull and can not play ball Image or understand English here.

by Batman » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:48 am
The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:
The Eagle wrote:How interesting. So you yourself are denying testimony that is older than the jesus myth - and what would be your reasoning?? Since you claimed that the age of the testimony was important - you have just ruined your point by denying the old testament as testimony!! :lol:

You deny jesus' jewish background and believe he wasn't the messiah, that the new testament claims? Oh hang on - if the new testament is testimony and jesus claims the old testament is true how do you justify that?? Hmmm. As a matter of interest why have you not accepted the old testament as testimony?

Ok so lets play properly, no avoiding now - what makes you believe jesus' words (if they are jesus' words) are true - over someone elses?

Also is it only jesus' words from the new testament you claim as truth - or the whole of the new testament??

You see this isnt about what you believe but why you believe it - so far you are contradicting yourself for the "why". :)

Theres two options for you - do you believe what jesus said because you believe it to be true - meaning there is some othet reasoning behind it and it agrees with what jesus said ( also means it doesnt matter if jesus said it or not) - or do you believe it because jesus said it, meaning we need to explore why you believe jesus words to be true over someone elses.

This is about how you have formed the belief.

I see your true colors, as you spin words to say I say this or that... but I do not deny what is written in the bible... I only refer to it as a text which the majority of reasonable and good willed people who actually care of what direction a soul is head in... As Jesus claimed he was a bulb (light) He had a red phone line to authority that bypassed all those in power. So please do not quote things out of context to mislead people, as it shows your color... or lack of light

But clearly if you understood the bulb, he was kind of like a green light that was there to lead Jews out of the darkness and become more "Christian spirited" as he probably received some future look at what Jewish People had to go through... I mean if anyone glances at a culture history, the Jewish people history is not pretty, and I say it was cursed in a nutshell like most people who don't get the :idea: light. (Not that Jewish people don't have a good foundation, but as the bible refers too, it's missing a cornerstone)
But one should point out that Jesus came to be a light for the Jews, to lead them out of darkness and give them a ball to play with Image ... as he kind of bounced around in his day and even got kicked out of some places for trolling (cherry picking probably world eater)
Though we could get into WAT "God" wanted for the Jewish people... But that is not this subject matter.

This subject matter is about a Conscience going to sleep, does it not dream (which the author of this thread believes) or do you have good and bad dreams) in spiritual terms... (Does a conscience shut down? ... Is it energy?... Can it leave the body?)

The basic thing that one has to decide is that if you have free will, and is it a spirit?

by Batman » Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:09 pm
The Eagle wrote:
Like I said - drivel......

You have nothing to back your argument up - no logical reason to dismiss one testimony over another. Which means ypu have no readon to dismiss other peoples views based on yours.

With every post you prove yourself ridiculous. :D

Yeah right anyone who testify that they talk with spirits must be crazy. Of coarse were not even talking about people who pick up the Holy Spirit.
Do you believe in psychics or telepathy?

by Batman » Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:19 pm
The Eagle wrote:
No not all crazy - some are, some are just misguided or in your case just wrong. :)

I dont discount them - although psychics can be explained more logically than speaking with the dead. :nodding:(Communicating with living souls)
The dead cant form new thought so inreraction with someone thats dead isnt possible. (As I stated, a soul does not die if a body does, so death here is a moot point- )

Telepathy is logically possible.

Also - you dont need a soul for telepathy. Again recognise the difference between spirit and soul. ;)(Semantics- as it still "spirit" no matter what form it shows up in. )
The World-Eater wrote:I'm a lot more knowledgeable on this subject than you could possibly comprehend, but I'm not going to waste my time teaching you something you couldn't be bothered to learn for yourself.

If you two were knowledgeable with soul searching, then you would not be taking a position of sitting in the dark saying the things your saying, as you fail to understand how a light bulb works. That current running through any moving cell carries... :2cents: that can not be destroyed it's called a ... WAT :whoa: (I should not have to:computer: this out)

You need to get one of my good guy hats :halo: and look like a ding bats because you're spirits are not bright enough to be in the bulb yet on such subject matter or radar screen.
Though... 2 U- guys I have prototyped some hats and caps and in the process of Patenting these kinds of WAT's (
because a bulb like me can string ............ Ding bats .......... along .... :creeping: ... as you have to .... PAY.. Attention .... to this dark knight .... as I can .... :dusto: Jab ... :dusto: Jab ... with some insight light to true light.

by Batman » Tue Sep 09, 2014 3:49 pm
The World-Eater wrote:Don't bother, though I'm starting to think Batman and Gus Who are the same person, just under two different aliases; neither one of them is open to another's opinion. And they make overuse of those emoticons, too.

Wat gave this away my username? :rofl:

I like using emotions to give these words characters...
... and open to a close off environment as too... No Heaven or Hell, and a spirit only can stay and play with you looney tunes

Sauron -
Are you going to ante in or play as a Nazi grammar Police ... as it's hard to put English on the ball Image in this Dream field of soulless John Doe's whom have no afterlife party plans.

:toothless: - okay your comment was noted!

The Eagle wrote:Not semantics no. Spirit doesnt imply life after death.
SEMANTICS - in the Spiritual realm, a mortal death is just a life time in the scope of the known universe 
Psychics could speak to living spirit yes - but lets clarify, thats the spirit of the living. The dead dont have spirit - thats why they are dead. It takes a body to form and maintain spirit.
it takes a body "to be" a spirit can communicate... if you take testimony of people ... 

The moot point is yours - you state one thing I state another - logic and reason stands with me, not you. Thats the difference here your statements have no structure. They are unicorn arguments.
(Reason, logic and wisdom clearly show that the majority of people believe in a soul) 
Unless you are willing to explain why you believe what you do - without more unicorn additions - then we can discount your argument as drivel.
(Either you take testimony as a way of proof... psychics, prophetic dreamers, ESP ... or you stay in denial okay) As I can only make a Theory of the God Particle (Spirit) because to prove this Theory I would have to show the WAT 
You are fighting a losing battle - and clearly lack the discussion skills and thought on the matter to offer anything useful.
:nodding: just having some fun with some non-believers
You see you havent even addressed the logical points put to you - that show up your unicorn statements - you either ignore, repeat your unicorn statements again - even after they have been shown to be ridiculous.

You contradict your own method by dismissing other unicorn statements for no other reason!
maybe you can ride a Unicorn when you lose this game and have to wear a ding bat hat :lol: 
That light you claim to have must be up your ass - because that is where your head is - and it stinks of moron.

See? Insulting someone is a mental journey - and you dont even have the bus fare for that. :)

You sounds like a person without a soul. That is your true color.
Now please explain how psychic / prophetic dreamers/ ESP ... works logically speaking in theory without spirit/soul ...

As I don't think people will buy random chance..

As a guy who grew up playing sports... I get the trash talk.

by The Eagle » Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:40 pm
Lol! "in the spiritual realm a mortal death is just a lifetime in the scope of the known universe" - you do realise this is complete nonsense dont you? 

If you take the testimony of people - there is no afterlife. Testimony goes bothways and since you have no reason to dismiss one over the other "testimony" backs up both sides - logic is only on one side though. Not yours.

Majority of people dont believe in jesus having "light" - so you should discount your own theory.

Why should I take irrational testimony as truth? Why dont you think more about how belief is formed and catch up a few hundred years with the age of reason.

God particle....... Oh please illuminate us........

I dont have a soul - I dont have a unicorn either

(you dont have a soul either its a made up thing - if you acccept testimony of rational people)

Psychics can work with spirit - you dont need life after death for it to work. Simply put the energy a psychic picks up on/recieves comes from the living. The source of spirit can only come from the living afterall.

Prophetic dreams - why would you need life after death for this to happen?

You see? You dont need life after death to still have all these things - hence the difference between spirit and soul. Spirit stays with the logical boundries - there is no logic nor reason for life after death i.e. Soul.

Please understand there is no need to add unicorns on to logic and reason. That just mskes you sound ridiculous, im not denying spirit - so most of your poorly thoughtout argument is moot - I deny the concept that concious spirit survives after the brain dies as the reasoning is not there. If all you got is "testimony that people believe they have a soul"- thats not testimony that they have a soul - but testiomny of the belief. Adk why they believe they cant answer - like you have failed to.

I can logically explain away the testimony of a soul. Even by your own standards - you deny testimony which is what you claim of others - this is why your argument is nothing, :)

In fact I have a test we can do if you are interested? You ask people to recognise truth not based on logic but by testimony. So I will give you ten statements only one will be true. You will have a one in ten chance of guessing the right one purely by chance ofcourse.

This will test your methodology regarding truth.

Interested? :lol:

by Batman » Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:25 am
The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:Please note: (standard)
Testimony is swearing to.. 
Atheist must swear to God -- or leave US Air Force ... 53866.html

I'll have to jot down my theory of this light that I speak of :idea: .. I'll update with a link to this ....

nah you're ok. although disney might me interested if they want to make another fairytale come to life.

you acknowledge false testimony - so by your own standards - just because its testimony doesn't mean its true.

how to tell false testimony from real testimony - oh if there was only a way........ LOGIC. oh there it is.

try to think more. - let me know when you want to start the test. :)

Yeah, I am not sure if there is much logic showing here between US Air Force v. Atheist 
:dummy" logically it makes no sense for an atheist to argue about swearing over nothing in their mind as they put no value in the word "God" 
Though I don't know when you sign up to join the "group" (Air Force) if "Religion" is a box to check... But maybe it should be, as clearly it should be explain in a kind of sports term of playing ball Image 

Image Now this is what is at stake, as one swear on their "soul" here in doing a duty to play ball Image 
You agree to these terms Image your Soul if you break your word
Note: (fine print) 
now the rules/ codes are (right or wrong) ... and when we step on the "Field of Dreams" you have to preform your job /duty ( right or wrong) ... to the standard of "God" ( check box "religion"/ right or wrong) in which your soul well be judged ... and you well have to be true to your word as it is a spiritual legal contract (Conscience choice) made be for an authority figure (public - of your own free will ) knowing that your words and actions will be ultimately judged as you preform this job/duty ... (Swear to do)... Consequences ... If you fail in .. Duty/job ... you could go to Hell - ... Basically speaking a living nightmare... for x amount of time.... Regardless if you believe or not! 

Atheist and non-believers should read the fine print and be aware of keeping your promise or word as you could look like a dingbat for gambling with your soul.

Test starting now!

Batty out :neer:

by Batman » Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:05 am
Slade Wilson wrote:Heaven and Hell are just a state of mind; nothing more, nothing less.

Being in a state of calamity is basically "Hell", being in a state of serenity is basically "Heaven". Our consciousness will probably dramatically decrease or cease or exist once we are dead anyway.

Again I challenge/bet all non believers their souls, given that you claim that you don't have one that can make the jump to light speed :goldblob: 

Let's face it you'll go out like a dim-wit looking over your dead body wondering if you should of at least been a ding bat and help be the shadow in the bat light. As I try to put some of my English on the ballImage and this subject of the end.


Sense all of you are so sure, put your soul and all those marbles rolling around in your heads in the pot 

Now come to terms with your words Image 
I need some shady characters to be in this bat light!

by Batman » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:00 pm

The Eagle wrote:
Swearing in anything but your own personal responsibility is silly. However if you cant see that its wrong asking for an athiest to swear on a concept that is the direct opposite of their beliefs - you are as stupid as your posts make you out to be,

Wanna do the test or not?

I agree, that is why we have this bet going... as I want you to be personally responsible for you soul. 

CLEARLY ONE IN YOUR POSITION MUST UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC THAT GOES BEHIND THE BET (swearing) OF A SOUL... (You become a proImage ball player) "if" YOU LOSE SOMETHING THAT YOU CLAIM NOT TO HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF, BUT YET MADE AWARE OF (as the concept of having more than one life to live here)
 TradeS" AS YOU ARE UNDER CONTRACT ... That contract is still valid. 
So don't get you panties into a bunch over semantics the standard bet is still on. Please take personal responsibility defending these dim wits who want to bet their soul claiming to be ATHEIST! Ignorance probably will not make a good argument before God as a judge.

by Batman » Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:38 pm
Slade Wilson wrote:
You act like your arrogance is a virtue, thinking that everything that comes out of your mouth is knowledge and truth and everyone else is wrong.

Just found this interesting thread. Gus Who and Batman are the same person. Why else would you need two account, unless you are trolling... I wouldn't waste my time conversing with an irrational person(a) like that.

Like you can't see that in the light of day under my username and above the stars? But yes people who push that the soul dies is just wrong!

The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:TEST STARTED

The Eagle wrote:
You talk a lot with no substance - you cant even explain why you believe what you do. Quite frankly its ludicrous.

You clearly lack the intelligence to discuss things.

Ready to stop playing games?

Clearly you're having trouble with the analogy of a pro ball player and a contract, maybe you need to brush up on the legal aspects and ownership before you can even touch a ball. Because you clearly don't get the lite humors analogies. In due time I will lite your way... as you have sat in the dark for so long now... WAT's a little bit more time in you position on dying if you don't get called up into the light. 

But remember when I do present this light :idea: it might be over your head because you might find it hard that the core of this light comes from "Jesus" as I am testifying on behalf of how I see that light with my insight.

by The Eagle » Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:49 pm
And clearly you are having trouble with logic and reason...........

Did you miss your contract I gave you? It clearly states you are in no position to say anybody else is wrong - because you dont respect logic.

People who push that the soul dies are wrong? Right ok wr know your belief - now WHY do you believe that? The logic that it dies is based on there is no method of conciousness existing beyond death. We have no evidence to back up souls existing, and certainly existing after death. Testimony counts for nothing as you yourself admit there can be false testimony. So unless you explain how you diferentiate between true testimony and false trstimony we like you can pick testimony that agrees with our argument and call it evidence. You can see how flawed that is - everyone else can.

You cant have both options - simply because there are better options out there than your dim "light".

I testify that if you (Batman aka Gus Who) post again on this thread - the act will represent that you admit you are wrong and souls dont exist, and also by posting again that whenever you mention you believe in souls, you must always admit you have as much reason to believe in as souls as unicorns. You agree these tetms by posting again in this thread.

Tricky one eh? :lol:

by Batman » Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:44 am
Follow along birdbrain...
Night vision is not something your eagle eyes can pick up. So you might want to talk with the wise old owl that says, WHO WHO! 
cuz as someone who picks up this light that I speak of, and has posted cryptic messages for example the day before the 4th Game of the World Series in 2012, I posted this

... Scutaro...
by Gus Who » Sat Oct 27, 2012 6:51 am

I was just watching everything that is happen in the Field ... and then I see Scutaro.... go by.

and as I do my home work to show what memory that recaps that game I posted this... 
Re: ... Scutaro...
by Gus Who » Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:51 pm

Going through some of my old Field of Dreams ... and clear up the picture with a tale to clip on if you don't follow the ball...

The Giants capped a 4-0 sweep of the Tigers with a thrilling, extra-inning 4-3 win in Game 4 at a rain-dappled Comerica Park in Detroit. As he has been doing all postseason, Giants second baseman Marco Scutaro came up with the key hit, singling home Ryan Theriot with the go-ahead run in the top of the 10th inning. Bearded San Francisco closer (no, not that one) Sergio Romo then closed out the series-clinching win, locking up the Giants' second title in three seasons (2010) and the seventh in their 129-year franchise history.

So if you still don't take Testimony such as it is... Then here is a link viewtopic.php?f=8&t=111137#p541342

So you clearly don't get this kind of inside light that I speak of that can grow even if you break the bulb. :idea: 
This light still shines and lives in the spiritual realm and can fly by... If you follow the ball Image

Game on!


by Batman » Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:34 am
The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:I testify that i (Batman aka Gus Who) admit I am wrong and souls dont exist, and also whenever i mention I believe in souls, i admit i have as much reason to believe in as souls as unicorns.

:lol: :cheers:

I see your true color is not as an honorable soul, and clearly make up statements that I did not say.

The World-Eater wrote:No wonder Batman or Gus Who got banned on that other site. He's a literal cancer. I already PM'd the Moderators here about his constant idiocy and derailment in this thread.

If he posts again, I'll just report all his posts. Or he could kill himself and then haunt us as a "spirit" or "soul" form to proof it really exists.

Oh you are speaking of Palehorse, the death line over at Central who wanted me to moderate this kind of "Religious and Spiritual" box as he had no clue, being an Atheist and all on this subject... and chirped like dodo birds Doo in Bedrock. He banned people from talking about Gazoo.

So go ahead and report me, as being right is more important message to send out here.

Slade Wilson wrote:
Batman wrote:But yes people who push that the soul dies is just wrong!

Well, I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. I saw this great post the other day:

Sauron wrote:Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

That's what you are doing. Unfortunately you are too blind to see it, or simply thick-skulled.

If you agreed with me, then you would be seen as a ding bat. As you would of been able to hear this light, and understand you can not see it, and maybe been able to have a ballImage

by Batman » Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:34 am
The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:I testify that i (Batman aka Gus Who) admit I am wrong and souls dont exist, and also whenever i mention I believe in souls, i admit i have as much reason to believe in as souls as unicorns.

:lol: :cheers:

I see your true color is not as an honorable soul, and clearly make up statements that I did not say.

The World-Eater wrote:No wonder Batman or Gus Who got banned on that other site. He's a literal cancer. I already PM'd the Moderators here about his constant idiocy and derailment in this thread.

If he posts again, I'll just report all his posts. Or he could kill himself and then haunt us as a "spirit" or "soul" form to proof it really exists.

Oh you are speaking of Palehorse, the death line over at Central who wanted me to moderate this kind of "Religious and Spiritual" box as he had no clue, being an Atheist and all on this subject... and chirped like dodo birds Doo in Bedrock. He banned people from talking about Gazoo.

So go ahead and report me, as being right is more important message to send out here.

Slade Wilson wrote:
Batman wrote:But yes people who push that the soul dies is just wrong!

Well, I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. I saw this great post the other day:

Sauron wrote:Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.

That's what you are doing. Unfortunately you are too blind to see it, or simply thick-skulled.

If you agreed with me, then you would be seen as a ding bat. As you would of been able to hear this light, and understand you can not see it, and maybe been able to have a ballImage

bBatman » Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:54 am
The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:
The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:I testify that i (Batman aka Gus Who) admit I am wrong and souls dont exist, and also whenever i mention I believe in souls, i admit i have as much reason to believe in as souls as unicorns.

:lol: :cheers:

I see your true color is not as an honorable soul, and clearly make up statements that I did not say. 

Did you not read the post where I testified that if you posted again what it would mean? Its clearly written - that if you posted again you be admitting it.

Are you saying you reject my testimony?? Are you saying you didnt read it and then deliberatley post?

Seems like you are rejecting testimony yourself ......... Hmmmm......... So whata the difference between you rejecting testimony???

Seems like you have backed yourself into a corner. :lol:

I did and do not agree to such terms!

Tactics of a bully and showing that your not a very honorably soul... No wonder your in the dark and can not see the light that I have provided.

by Batman » Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:05 am
The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:I testify that i (Batman aka Gus Who) admit I am wrong and souls dont exist, and also whenever i mention I believe in souls, i admit i have as much reason to believe in as souls as unicorns.

Re-read the analogy - you seemed to have missed its meaning.

Tell me - would you gamble with your unicorn?

:eat: Hmm... Well I have an ear of uni-corn (if you can HEAR that a picture says 1,000 words)

[Hide] Spoiler:
:2cents: = UNO-corn of a soul

Obvious your cornel position is ... left end as a u-corny 
So please argue your position, B4 you disappear as a soul riding this uni-corny

by Batman » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:43 am
The Eagle wrote:
Batman wrote:I testify that i (Batman aka Gus Who) admit I am wrong and souls dont exist, and also whenever i mention I believe in souls, i admit i have as much reason to believe in as souls as unicorns.

I'll just repeat the question since you tried to avoid it -

Tell me - would you gamble with your unicorn?

Okay, I don't admit I am wrong, but if two people say a uno-corn (unicorn) is a cornel of corn, than it is to those 2 people. 
So yes, if you want to say a uno :whoa:corn is a soul - okay, but like the Doto birds and your Eagle inter flame theory that burns that natural gas Image like an old fart ... and looks out at stars for guidance and truth like wise old owls with night vision....

I did find that prophetic dream that reminds that batty :neer: can get out in the open and into the daylight, as it was dated 5/13/14 and I was paying :2cents: to the Holy Ghost as it deals with those night owls. So... as Testimony has weight, .. ... -tale.html

by Batman » Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:06 pm
Here we are in a Religion and Spiritual form in a dream site, and you post faults statements ... Because you real don't have a soul that can be trusted to be honorable. You claim I troll and am crazy when I clearly dispute your claim about souls and want to turn this into a unicorn issue. 

The Eagle wrote:Light can be seen outside a body - this means unicorns exist.

I'll just keep repeating the question until you answer it, avoiding it makes you look like you are trolling - or realise you dont have any weight behind your argument-

Tell me - would you gamble with your unicorn?

It's a yes or no answer........

Real, look at how you sound... People point out near death experiences in which they have out of body "testimony" of events they could not have been there physically ... and you say ...

by The Eagle » Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:57 am

To base any idea of an afterlife - on a near death experience has always seemed a little illogical. The clue I think is in the title - "near death" - you didnt die.

To go through the experience - you are still very much alive, and also concious in order to remember the experience. Dont get me wrong - it can be life changing and a positive thing but that is based on the rationisation of the experience - taking stock of your life etc

You get many stories of people on an operating table that claim a NDE - having an out of body experience floating and seeing a bright light and think its god - realistically, morphine and the giant powerful lights above an operating table seems a bit more sensible.

I do agree with you until we die we wont know - and even then if the "i" has gone then you still wont know. Lol. Logically though there is no mechanism that it can work - I will add that we know of, it would be unscientific to not.

Again how can you not weigh testimony of people who have OBE and say what your saying, as they did not have any physical body or wires when they give actual descriptions for out of body experiences, or psychic actually predict future events?

by Sauron » Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:35 am
Most cases I've read on people who claim to have seen Heaven or Hell, or OBE, weren't actually dead - maybe clinically dead. Just because your heart stops beating or your body doesn't get any oxygen for a period of time, doesn't mean you are dead. The human body will shut down non-critical parts of the body to sustain the vital ones; the brain for example. There are countless variables to take in account that could create the things they see and perceive as Heaven or Hell, or OBE when the human body is in that state and all of that stems from the brain. If we are taking those experiences as solid facts, then a lot of things would be real. By things I mean actual impossibilities.

by Batman » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:13 am
ImageSounds like the stakes are getting hire and you guys see that a soul might be able to leave a body ... :harhar: upon a unicorn is kind of illogical in my book, but possible in that realm since you like them so much. ( :geek: Hence a logic reply)

As someone who had a waking vision of 911 back in 1997, (stated it was "Twisted I Beams") and stated that I was in spirit form... Now how do you argue again to all the people who testify to OBE... as they testify to being able to see or hear things or get a perspective of floating over in spirit form ... 

:lol: DONT THINK TO HARD OR YOU BECOME DING BATS FOR BELIEVING IN GHOSTS! (As souls or cornels of corn whispering :whistling: ) Because dimwits would think there no soul, or that it is limited to a individual body to exists (live) as a light source.

by Batman » Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:25 pm
:harhar: Hire this dimwit to try to quote me as part of your Wii
The World-Eater wrote:Don't worry, Eagle. I'll make my own thread, similar to what you did for Kalia, where I will show all stupid quotes made by Gus Who.
I'll keep it out of your thread.

World-Eater - I have posted enough dreams to be seen as a prophetic dreamer by the general public if I were going to put a resume out... 
The Eagle wrote:
Well done. Now read your last post and the last section of your testimony above - you just confirmed it. Prophetic or what???

OBE, even if we were to entertain the idea as possible - they can occur without souls - difference between spirit and souls remember.

I know you are having a problem with the difference - simply life after death is illogical, spirit requires life.

Okay, I Gus I have to get into terms here... 1st- "spirit" fall into the intangible definition and you may speak for a group here, that speak of Unicorns, and your 9/05/14 statement, (World-Eater types) ... corn on the cob for all to get an ear full ... and become dimwits by those Eagle eyes ways of seeing things as "Wii" (that is how you play not i) as were playing for Individual souls (as souls are individual who have a choice, ... (Modern terms) "swear on their souls" and not on a spirit.

Now here... your just wrong, unless other dimwits, give you power of their light and they read the find print and sign off... as Dimwits tend to see some light, where Ding-bats can hear the light and go a little batty:neer: and go off in a different direction to your "we" (as players Image because if they have a soul, they have a say in these stakes Image as the Cancer that bad light gives off... For example World-Eater shows how your light goes darker like a disease... Part of your fire. (Atheist ways) 


by Batman » Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:55 pm
The Eagle wrote:
There is only one person that had said unicorns can exist according to their beliefs here and thats you.

Your torch light is nothing to the true light of the stars - thats a link to the analogy previously mentioned.

Im not an atheist - so again you lack knowledge to make such claims.

You see the answer to the unicorn question should of logically be "unicorns dont exist so to gamble with sonething that doesnt exist is ridiculous"

What was your answer again? Lol that unicorns can exist on the same realm as souls...... Does that not tell you something important???

Spirit is the non-physical part of a person. Which means you need a person to have spirit. Definition of a person - requires having a body. Go look up the definition of the words.

Soul is the definition of spirit with a unicorn strapped to it - i.e. Life after death.

You believe in a soul i.e. Life after death - because of the fear of it not existing - not because of any rational evidence or readon for it existing. You look for evidence that agrees with your belief - all you have is testimony - that I have shown you isn't reliable or logical and the fact testimony ecists that is in direct opposition to what you claim.

You are not being remotely intellectually honest with your approach.

You clearly state a atheist view point.... So what Wii is it you claim to be? 
As I would state there is clear testimony of reincarnation as a Christian, as souls go. Though I also say that the souls of individuals can speak through dreams to some people (most coded) from those past on or currently living. So therefore individual souls. As a group of souls can make a larger spirit in which there is "spiritual structure" to the light.

by Gus Who » Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:53 pm
The Eagle wrote:Unicorn arguments.

Jesus didnt rise again through god - a UFO landed nearby, took his corpse...

You see even before you get to a belief of god, souls etc - you should understand yourself and the way humans form belief. Image I'm sure people tend to listen to debates about a subject and form an opinion for themselves with the knowledge that is at hand. Here we are debating about what many call a soul, given the fact that you don't believe in them, and I call that a dark way to think about things and claim you and your pee-wii gang are wrong and are misleading people in this religious and Spiritual form in a direction away from the issue that is important... and the light. which is testimony 

Lol all this is showing is you nothing about truth nor human spirituality.

I'll go back to the question you didnt answer. Why place the label "truth" on bible passages and not other ancient texts that predate the bible? the Bible is a written record - the old Testament (Jewish) and the new Testament (Christian) goes to historical testimony to explaining "God" and purpose and prophecy... 
You see you are stating the age of the text is important - well there are older beliefs. So that point even by your own standards is moot. So what makes that true? Moot :whoa: You look at the bible and see questions and it as a unicorn book, where some look at the bible for answers... I see it as a light source as many get knowledge from it and take unicorns mention in the proper contexts that they were mentioned.

I discount illogical testimony - doesnt matter who said it and when. Does that include the bible? Is it that this Unicorn book that you make fun of? Do you find no truth to it? :)

Jesus did the work of his Father and he was the light as he was blessed with the "true soul/soul" which is called light. Jesus had prophetic abilities and also learn about Jewish history and laws (the old testament) as "God" sent dreams and vision to people around him including his adversaries like Punches Pilot wife 
The Eagle wrote:There is clear testimony that jesus didnt exist, souls dont exist and reincarnation is a load of bollocks.

You see until you address how you personally diferentiate between testimony - saying there is testimony serves both sides. Are you too stupid to get that?

Go look up the word atheist - souls are not part of the definition.

Perhaps spend more time researching about what you claim to know.

Actually I think I have a way of helping you - i'll translate your posts to make them say what you are saying - but without the mindless pap you like to include.

We will start by describing souls as "Real Souls" - and you believe yourself to be one of these "Real Souls" ..... or R-Souls as we will call them - so please keep speaking from your R-Soul as you have been and i'll translate it for you. :lol:

Please don't speak for me, as I would not want to be quoted in the same light that you are in. (You confess that you are not a soul, so I would not want someone who can not swear on one's soul) Though again I say that the soul which is considered intangible is not in the world you see as tangible. Hence this form is posted in "Spirituality and Religious beliefs" which you find hard to comprehend it. So Eagle eyes, unless you real get my "Gus WAT" and are illuminated with the Holy Spirit to the truth about a soul... stay in the dark, where you put your soul here in the spot light, as an opponent to the dark knight. :lol: Then when you get it, you'll understand about being a ding bat.

by Batman » Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:44 pm
The Eagle wrote:There is only one person trying to mislead people here. You are trying to suggest that logic and reason shouldnt be the major factor in theformation of belief. You offer no other alternative way of how you formed the belieg other than - "testimony that agrees with the belief". You fail to realise someone wgo has the direct opposite belief can use the same method. This shows a distinct lack of understanding of humankind - and the way we as humans work.

The bible has as much historical accuracy and historical testimony as the harry potter books. Just because the harry potter books mention london, kings cross station , the prime minister - it doesnt prove the wizard or give reason to put more weight on harry potters words.

The light reference to jesus and what jesus taught is metephorical - like many religions had previously. over time idiots like you take it to mean something more.

You are under the impression that spiritual beliefs shouldnt be logical - so dont argue them as logical then. The fact remains should you believe in sonething like a soul, which has no logical foundation you should take on board that you cant justify the belief - as evident by your postings.

Ask yourself how you have formed the belief of the world being spherical rather than flat - the burdon of proof, the logical explanation and understanding of why it is so. Now ask yourself why is a belief of the shape of the world different to that of a belief of a soul existing? What you have is a inconsistency in your approach in understanding. You allow a belief of truth without the logical explanation, without the "burdon of proof" - that YOU personally utilise to form other belief.

Yes we are in the spirituality section. Spirit is the non-physical part of a person - their thoughts, their beliefs. That means all humans that can think - are spiritual. Humans all form belief in the same way. The "what" may differ ofcourse. Fantasy beliefs such as yours puts you in a position where anyone can pluck a unicorn out the air and you have no response as proven in this thread. Logic can only be defunked by greater logic - not fantasy.

Fact remains there is no logical reasoning behind the evidence to allow an impartial person to form a belief in a soul - the thing is you can see that but it scares you.

By all means continue to speak from your R-Soul - the ridiculousness of your statements do you and humankind no favours and is several hundred years out of date. If it helps you live your life all well and good but you are holding humankind back.

In fact lets prove a point and take souls out of it. I'll take the illogical side and argue the world is indeed flat and you take the side that the world is spherical (loosely spherical). Think you can do that?

I offer dim wits that listen in on this ranting against the testimonies of the light that Jesus has shown us "Christians" that are knowledgable, in this ding bat way :dummy" to :dusto: ring in the light :ecstatic: that makes :2cents:which can out shine the darkness of those soulless ways as they try to choose and pick quotes for their evil purposes ...
The World-Eater wrote:
The Eagle wrote:
The World-Eater wrote:Don't worry, Eagle. I'll make my own thread, similar to what you did for Kalia, where I will show all stupid quotes made by Gus Who.

I'll keep it out of your thread.

Lol i'll look forward to it! :lol:

I decided not to. If I delve through all the posts made by Batman, Gus Who and Superman1, I'll lose too many braincells because of his idiocy.

He often stumbles over the truth, but he quickly picks himself up and carries on as if nothing happened.

Logical and reasonable people that can understand the difference between you/all those "non believing soulless spirits" vs. a soul that can come out of this dark knight and :dusto:
[Hide] Spoiler:
on Eagle eyes to see some "Gus WAT" ... 
As "Truth" is the brightest light, it does not have to be pretty or be seen to be realized it is their. ( :toothless:Though I agree, you Nazi grammar police .. Image English only real counts if were on the same team) ... But what do you expect playing amateurish ball hear! :D 

Now the bet is still on to all those dimwits that think there is no soul, that is "Your SOUL" has to be a :dummy"Ding bat to get this light. Otherwise you can be a non-believer and not a wise owl ... that can't get this batty way :neer: 

:geek: You have to realize that spiritual light comes from a source called "light" and true light is the light that can stand the test of time. Jesus light can stand this test of time you dim wits... so his soul can live on, as I testify to such truth, as most of these words are his, I just get to color commentate as a part of ... 

As to be fair, there should be 3 choices ... The dim wit way of no soul, the ding bat way to getting the soul or the IDK way 

Either you can get the light from the bulb, or you can have color commentators deliver such light :dusto: 
The simple truth is you can be a dim wit and not get this light or a ding bat and get the idea :idea: of spiritual light called a soul. Last is to stay in the IDK way and try to find your own way or speak up and be a player in this game.

ImageEveryone has a soul to play with.