- Turning the number into a something of meaning is the key to unlocking the name of the Antichrist. Revelation 13:18 is the applicable verse: "This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."
Well 3 strikes and you out is not a good sign in my book. Here.
Also seeing 666 is not a good sign (as that # $666 a Divorce Judge who I claimed as evil forced that on me)
So yes! I think seeing numbers can be "inherently evil" as some numbers can be "inherently good"
Re: Has anyone ever seen this symbol?
666 is just the "number of man" or of the "beast" of economy if you believe selling things is "wrong", aka the Roman Numeral system (first six symbols).
In order: DCLXVIWhich is 666. Numbers themselves, just like letters themselves, are only "bad" in context.
Ever seen this symbol?
It reads...
It goes to "MAN" and not God.
Now to the "Beast$"
The 1st $erpent is a Green back.
The 2nd € $erpent is EU
as the next serpent would be Japan's (and that is no real big threat) in this kind of
... So it's not based on old Roman style... it's about Christians seeing the monatary systems turn into monsters by criminals in governments!
666 is also the symbols 4 "majority line"
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